I Finished NaNoWriMo 2012!!!

I did it!  I actually wrote a 50,000-or-more-word novel in less than 30 days.

I finished today- Nov 27- and there were 2 days (before and on Thanksgiving) that I wrote nothing at all.  Now, the caveat is, I'm not actually finished with the novel yet.  :)  It'll take probably another 15,000 words to finish things up, but I am getting closer to that goal.

BUT... at least I'm done with this goal-- I'm at 50,027.  Which means... among other things... I'll get 5 free printed copies of my novel from a company that does that as a promo for all NaNoWriMo winners.  :)

If anyone's curious, my novel is about the church and religious persecution in Central Asia.  Here's my "cover photo" for now... a Turkish tea glass:

Just wanted to share my happy news.  

Hope you've had a great month, full of things to be thankful for!


Deborah said...

Be sure to let us know how to get a copy when you're all finished :D


Luke Holzmann said...

Congratulations! My wife and I are going to finish... just not early [smile].


Julia M. Reffner said...

Yay on finishing!!

Now that I see your topic I'm even more excited about it. Sounds like God was preparing you to write this story :)

Julia from SL forums