As I've noticed that many of my favorite "thinking" blogs have already been chosen by other women, I'm just going to take a moment to point out some "thinking" blogposts I've recently come across. Take the time to read; I hope they're as insightful to you as they have been to me!
- The first two are from a new blog I've found, called Seeking Faithfulness. It is definitely worth poking around over there, as she has insight and wisdom ready to be gleaned. I'll give you two excellent posts to start off with:
- She has a great word about not sheltering your children as they get closer to adulthood. As a homeschooling mom, she has this as a huge blip on her radar screen as a possible pitfall. For my part, I'm so thankful to see homeschoolers who think through these things; I had too many homeschooled friends who fell into deep and tragic sin (and still haven't come out of it, 10 years later), because they were so excessively sheltered while at home. Sin just hung out there as a forbidden fruit, ripe for the picking the second they got out from under their parents thumbs. So yeah, I really appreciate her insight in this area.
- This post really challenges me as a mommy. There is such a battle that rages as our babies/toddlers become children. They begin to see our flaws; they see that our words and deeds don't always match up. And there's such a temptation to cover it up. But there is such wisdom in opening up your life to your children, and letting them see your flaws, while simultaneously asking God to enable you to be consistent in word & deed. CLICK HERE FOR ENCOURAGEMENT!
- Here's a post called "Children are a blessing". She does a lovely job contrasting the feminism that exists in today's workplace with the important task of being a mommy.
- Finally, I've got to introduce you to one of my real life friends, Tamara. She is most definitely a thinking woman, and she just wrote a challenging post about how the women of the church are more like the women of the world than ever before.
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