Related to this, there is an area of many Christian men's lives where they do not experience freedom. Instead, there is guilt, bondage, shame, and a feeling of dirtiness. A lack of fun. Lack of enjoyment. Lack of delight. Despite God's design to the contrary.

"The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Genesis 2:25
Our enemy (your adversary, the devil) knows he can kill two birds with one stone if he can aim that stone right at a Christian woman's sexual relationship with her husband. If he can take away the blessing of freedom, the blessing of oneness, the blessing of mutual delight, he will. If he can make a woman feel dirty for having fun, if he can make a man feel like the only way he can really have fun is to go elsewhere, he will. If he can make a woman believe that "a good girl doesn't enjoy that" or make a man feel like the only men having fun are those using porn and having affairs, he will. He will do anything to wreck the delight and pleasure that comes when two people enjoy the absolute freedom that God gives us within the bounds of marriage: one woman, one man, for life.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." -Galatians 5:1

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure." -Hebrews 13:4
My aim is to encourage you: if you are a Christian wife who has been robbed of delight in this area (through the enemy, through an abuser, through a lack of example, whatever), God made it for the same reason He made everything else: "to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". Sex is a way of glorifying God and enjoying Him.

So today, if you are a Christian married woman, consider if this may be an area where the enemy has kept you bound, feeling shameful, or taught you to believe a lie about intimacy with your husband. Today, right now, brainstorm some ways that you might reclaim this area in your life- some ways that you might glorify God by delighting in this gift with your husband.

This is my prayer and sincere hope for you- that just as we as believers ought to delight fully in the relationship we have with Christ, you as a Christian woman would fully delight in the relationship you have with your husband.
"Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom." -2 Corinthians 3:17
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