With #4, I had been praying the entire pregnancy that God would let me go into labor naturally. At that point, I had always experienced some kind of intervention- pitocin had played a significant/central in the previous 3 labors.
It's not that I believed there was anything magical or holy about having a natural birth. I just was 4 pregnancies into our family and really just wanted to know what real contractions felt like. I wondered, can my body *really* do this baby thing on its own?
I'm not going to share about our experiences with her first suggestion :) , but as for the second, I walked like crazy. Istanbul has these wonderful hilly places and so I would walk hard down the hill in our apartment complex. It was crazy steep, and so I'd walk with firm steps so his head would engage with my cervix, and then walk slowly back up the hill, breathing through the contraction the quick downhill walk had brought on. This had produced contractions for about 36 hours straight, but while they were consistent and good and firm, they weren't yet painful, and they would fizzle out after a while.
A friend of mine (Megan, do you remember this?) sent me an eggplant parmesan recipe that she swore had sent her into labor... So I got all the ingredients, got things ready, and decided to make it one night. It was a fairly arduous recipe and I didnt have access to convenience foods, so I started making it maybe around 3:30/4pm. Pretty soon, the contractions were coming on. I was on my feet nonstop, chopping, frying, boiling, layering, grating... By the time I got it in the oven for the final bake, I was having to bend over the counter and breathe through them.
So while it baked, we called friends to come stay with the kids, called my mom to let her know but my dad had already dropped her off at the airport (she would arrive the next morning).
I pulled my culinary creation out of the oven and served it up to each person in the family and was about to take the first bite when WHAMMO, the strongest one yet hit me and I immediately, without thinking, went down on all fours onto the floor. This was about 6:45 and my friend arrived to watch the children so Doug got the final bag together and we left in the taxi.
When we got to the hospital it was about 7pm and I was dilated to a 5.

They admitted me and I labored another 30 minutes or so when my doctor got there. She had been at a dinner party and I apologized for pulling her away from it. She said, "oh this is no problem. You're a fourth-time mom and this will take no time at all. I'll be back to the dinner party in no time." I wasn't so sure but sure enough, when she checked me, I was at a 7 or 8. She offered to break my water or not, it was up to me. I waited another 15-20 minutes and decided, sure go on and break it. Within 20 minutes or so I'd dilated to a 10 and was ready to push. I don't recall exactly how many pushes but I think it was 2 or 3 and he was out.
He was born at 8:36. Such a wonderful night. And while it all started with and revolved around eggplant, I never did taste a bite of that miracle recipe that "sent me into labor". :)
I'm 3 weeks away from my due date and READY to have baby #3!
After some 'afternoon delight ;-)', I'm now seriously considering taking a hike to the 24-7 shop to get some parmazan cheese for the eggplant in the fridge! I'll let you know if it did the trick!
I'm looking forward to hearing your little Theo is here! My little man came Jan. 25 - 10 days early :). We are soaking in these first weeks.
I've thought so many times about your post about the different growth points when adding each child. Remember what I'm talking about? I think, though it is very early to tell, I might grow in the tidying up area with this addition. :)
My sister-in-law and I are both pregnant right now. I'm sure we'd both be happy to have that eggplant parmesan recipe...
Hoping your new little guy has safely arrived.
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