So I'm taking some time away, not sure how long. About six weeks from now, our family is going to Cairo for our family vacation (we found a good deal and quickly snatched it up--YAY, I can't wait to see the Pyramids!!!), so it may be even after that, something like 2 months. We'll just see. And I reserve the right to hop back on, without shame, if there's something that I feel prodded to write about. :) But regardless, I hope you have a delightful summer- full of knowing Christ more, and joyfully loving family and the people around you.
As a parting gift, here are the links I've been storing up since the last Show & Tell (and I'll decorate them with recent pics of my kids):
- KNOW YOUR BIBLE! Randy Alcorn warns that not knowing the Word of God is a monumental problem in the modern church... and I agree.
- Challies explores technology, faith, relationships, distraction, and really knowing God and others: Don't Take Your iPod to Church!
- NEED A GOOD READ THIS SUMMER? Check out my 2009 book reviews for ideas (I'll continue updating through the summer).
- Mary Kassian writes about the soft strength of womanhood
- I've been listening to this incredible song about God on repeat for the last few days... Josh Harris noticed it too and written about it: Regina Spektor's "Laughing With"
- A young mom shares about her journey to becoming a better cook.
- Are you crafty? Need ideas? Check out this list.
- Cut out the busyness and spend time with people, says John Piper.
- A good word: Feelings are not good (or biblical!) indicators for if something is true or false!
- Books on a budget
- The abortion discussion is changing, says one formerly-pro-choice atheist
- Tips for hospitality
- You wouldn't pay 1,000 bucks a week to send your kid to x-box camp for kicks... College as merely "enjoyable" entertainment for young adults
- Why the "sexy" part of being a bride should be saved for AFTER the wedding.
- Steps/Counsel for responding to a husband's porn addiction.
- Jenny Sanford strikes me as a woman leaning on the grace of God in the middle of a really yucky situation. As I've watched her responses through her husband's adultery-- something that none of us would like to face-- I've been praying that many people will ask "what is the reason for her hope (grace, kindness, willingness to forgive)?" That kind of character in the face of shame and pain lets God shine through in a big way.
- John Piper recently published this gem: Sexual Intimacy & the Rights Over a Spouse's Body in Marriage
- Jen (a mom who has had 4 kids in 5 years) shares tips for thriving through the newborn/little kids stages
- Ethical issues continue with prenatal tests -- we keep growing in knowledge and "advancements" in science, and yet our society seems more lost than ever.
- Swedish parents conceal child's gender --Yikes, poor kid!
- Enjoy your little ones, from a mom of five.
- Apparently, through this program, you can host African orphans in your home for a summer. Maybe something to pray about?
- 100 Things to do WITH KIDS in Washington, DC (What a great list! We used to live in DC and I wish we'd have done more while there.)
- "I am not the mother I want to be"-- a friend writes about the beautiful difficulties that come with being a mom of many
- New statistics on the growth & "success" of homeschooling
- Homeschooling your preschooler-- great advice here!
- The "Upside" of Violent Video Games :)
- A couple of Lego Laughs: The Busstop, and The Decision
- The mp3 Experiment! Good, creative fun!
I'm sure you'll love Cairo! My husband and I are posted to Cairo (he works for the U.S. Department of State), and we absolutely love living here. The pyramids are amazing. If you have a chance, I think you'd also enjoy seeing the cave churches at Mokattum--you have to drive through one of the worst slums to get there, so be prepared for your heart to break, but the churches are worth it. If you have any questions or if I can help in any way while you're here, feel free to email me at
I find that I need to do this too, from time to time. Enjoy your vacation... in the meantime, we'll enjoy the links you've shared. And miss you too!
I've really enjoyed reading your blog since learning about it 6 months ago. My husband and I, along with our 3 kids (almost 3 year old girl and 5 month old twin boys) live in Alexandria - a 2 1/2 hour train ride from Cairo. Don't know how long you'll be in Egypt, but if you'd like to make it up to the coast on the Mediterranean Sea we'd love to meet your family and show you around Alex. If you have questions or need anything while in Egypt, plaese feel free to email me:
Hope you guys have a super vacation and you come back to the blogging world refreshed. You minister to many with your giftings and writing talent!
I am so glad that you are able to find balance-get a way for a while and come back to us!
I feel the same way and have to take "breaks" every now and then. But like you have said before my quality of life would decline if I did not have this outlet. I do take advantage of it from time to time, but thankfully God quickly gets me back on track.
Usually through my kids saying something like, "mom, when you get off the computer, or mom you are on the computer a lot!".
I posted something on my blog that I was going to email you about but I will put the link here and not add something to your to do list:
My husband went to Cairo on business last year. The neat thing is that the kids and I had studied about Egypt and the pyramids in Mystery of History. My husband was able to bring back pictures of things we had studied. It will be such an awesome field trip for your family. Enjoy!
Ruth from Texas
Great post! I enjoyed a lot of the topics - on the Gossip one, a comment that was made that I thought was powerful . . . Dr. Laura said before you speak think: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Make sure the answer to all 3 is yes before you open your mouth. Great advice! I am also very excited about your trip! You have been interested in Egypt for years, and it's so neat to think that you will actually get to be there & see the Pyramids, etc. I'm so thrilled for you all!
Have a good summer! I have seen the pyramids, but we didn't get to go to the main museum in Cairo, because they were spraying it for cholera.
I feel really bad for Jenny Sanford and their kids. As awful as it would be to learn my husband was unfaithful, I could forgive him and I would certainly try to repair the marriage.
However, it would be very difficult to go forward with a husband who tells the whole world he can die knowing he met his "soulmate" (referring to the mistress) and that he is going to work hard to fall back in love with his wife. That would be so much more hurtful than "ordinary" infidelity.
Laurie B
Jess, have fun on vaca!!! I will very much miss your blog, however!! *sniff, sniff* :) God bless you!!!!
Thanks for the links Jess - have a blessed summer with your continue to be a great inspiration!
Thank you for visiting my blog and for the encouragement. It really means a lot.
Enjoy your vacation!
I'm fully expecting a pregnancy report on #5 when you return... it's about that time right? :) Silas is 16 months so that's your spacing.
Just kidding... sort of :)
LOL, Jessica.
Well, you're not completely off... this is the longest we've gone between babies. 24 months apart has been the longest spacing so far (between our first 2). Silas is also the longest nurser yet (the longest before him was 14 & 1/2 months).
And just in case it will help give people accurate perceptions or comfort that they are not alone, the four children we have are four of seven pregnancies that we know about. When I was younger, I had no idea how relatively common it is to miscarry. Our fallen bodies are not infallible, and the three babies we've lost remind us of that.
Anyway. Just wanted to say that because at this point, we're much more cautious about announcing anything until we're a bit further along.
But at this point, I am completely unaware of any such development. :) But thanks for the joke-like speculation. I bet you're not alone in your guesses...
Hi Jess,
Thank you for the comment on my last post. Something you said struck a chord - that the waiting must be exhausting. I am so tired. I've wondered if it is the unknown, the not knowing, the cycle of anticipation, and then nothing. I feel better, now, since reading your comment. Thanks for checking in on us during your vacation. It means a lot.
I am trying this out because I just signed up to google, so I want to see if this works. I also thought that 100 things to do in DC was neat! We did a lot of those things over the course of the time you guys lived there!
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