So, I've just started reading
"Women Helping Women"-- a great collection of specifics about "how to" do biblical counseling (by women, for women). I get a fair amount of ladies who come to me personally over e-mail after visiting Making Home with questions-- asking for help, advice, or prayer, so I felt this may be a good way to continue growing in this area of biblical counseling (until such time that I might be able to pursue a Masters in this area... which is something I've been mulling for some time).
I'm really excited about this book and about learning about counseling in areas that are less familiar to me (like post-abortion counseling, eating disorders, medical conditions, and singleness).
So, that's what I'M reading... what are YOU reading this summer (or planning to read)? Feel free to sell me on it and tell me why it's such a great book/topic. I do love a good book and you just might highlight something that someone else needs to read!
So tell me, what's on your summer reading list?
I'm reading two books (albeit slowly): Money, Posessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn. The husband and I are finding it absolutely wonderful. I'm also reading The Organized Homeschooler.
I'm reading "Disciplines of a Godly Woman" by Barbara Hughes. Love it- there is MUCH conviction in this book.
Introduction to Exceptional Children, The Syracuse Community-Referenced Curriculum Guide for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers, Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook, and Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities.
Oh! And the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
They're very interesting...
I'm reading "Walking with God" by John Eldredge - it's excellent, it's about learning to hear God's voice. I'm also reading "The Well Adjusted Child".
I'm also going through Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest" - I started it in June, though it's a year devotional, it's deep at times but very thought provoking and convicting.
Oh, Terry... I love that Alcorn book- he puts so many practical things into spiritual terms and gives great guidelines about financial things! (It's required reading for one of the highschool years in our homeschooling curriculum.)
Kelly, that's one I've thought of reading-- honestly, when I saw the title a year or two ago, I thought, "why wouldn't I just read the 'Disciplines of a Godly Man' book?" But now you've picqued my interest. Off to read about it...
Kim, your books sound, well, textbookish. :) Hope school continues to go well.
Amber, I noticed on your blog that you're working on the Klicka book too-- very good homeschooling material. I find, now that we're homeschooling, that I generally am always reading through SOMEthing about homeschooling... just to keep my excitement level up and to make sure I'm always growing in my understanding and ideas for carrying out our homeschool "plans".
Keep these responses coming-- I LOVE talking about good books!
the well trained mind
for the children's sake
a few random books on toddlers!
simple social graces (about Victorian culture)
animal vegetable miracle (Barbara Kingsolver, EXCELLENT!)
the mission of motherhood (sally clarkson, EXCELLENT!)
that's this week. ;)
I'm in a biblical counseling class that is using that book!
On my list- Instructing a Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp's follow up to Shepherding
9 Marks of a Healthy Church
The Excellent Wife
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
I hope to finish all of these this summer, but it might be unrealistic with a 2 year old, a newborn, and a move over the ocean real soon. I just finished Church Planting Movements and Celebration of Discipline.
Since we decided to homeschool my nose has been in any homeschooling book I can find. Right now:
-"100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy
-"Mary Pride's Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling"
-The Rainbow Resource Catalog... does that count? :)
Last night I picked up a sheet from my library for their adult reading program. That made me think I want to read something other than non-fiction so I am looking for some Christian historical fiction that isn't too gushy or "romancy" (any suggestions?). I am also finishing up an Hercule Poirot mystery by Agatha Christie. Always a nice break from the real world.
By the way, I just heard Chris Klicka speak at a homeschool conference a few weeks ago. Not only is he a pioneer in the homeschool movement but has a true heart for reaching others with the message of Christ. I was really motivated by his talk. And amazed that even with MS he just keeps on going.
Christian historial fiction that's not too "romancey":
*Anything by Bodie and/or Brock Thoene.
*Michael Phillips - there is a little bit of "romance," but it's secondary to history, plot, as well as some theology thrown in!
(His books "A Rift in Time" and Hidden in Time" are excellent - they are not historical, but they really helped me understand the relationship between the Bible and science while wrapping it up in a fictional story about an archaeologist!)
If I think of anymore, I'll post more!
The Shack By William Young
I am currently reading Helper by Design by Elyse Fitzpatrick and The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot.
I am reading The Shack......its turning my world upside down!
Also reading Stregnths Finder
Oh now Jess, they are VERY non-textbookishy. And when the class is over, I can shorten them and wear them again!
(Oh wait, that's bridesmaid dresses...)
I hope to, after I get my head on straight, post-VBS, to start reading through Journals Of Jim Elliot again. I just got my copy back (my fault, I had left it at church for two years!).
I also want to read Treasuring Christ in Our Traditions by Noelle Piper. I have heard it is really good from a few friends. Bonus- it is online in its entirety.
I read The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun and found it compelling as an opportunity for those of us in the West to consider our commitment to Christ.
Now I am readying the Chronicles of Narnia. One would have thought I would have done that by now, but I only read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when I was a kid.
On another note, Jess. I found your blog about two weeks ago. Now I am not exactly sure how I found you, but I believe it was a God-thing. I am in my fourth pregnancy, third child due to a miscarriage a year ago, and had been struggling with intimacy with my husband. After reading your Being "Sexy" for Your Husband series, I felt God working in my life to really give this area to Him. God is really igniting our marriage right now. I am finally beginning to let go of false truths that I had come to believe over the course of my life. During the season of our miscarriage, we attended a wonderful marriage seminar, A Weekend to Remember through Family Life. That started the process. However, renovating a house, moving, and getting pregnant had interfered with my progress. Thanks to the obedience I feel you have in writing for the glory of God, I am moving forward in this very vital part of our marriage. Thank you so much for the well-written series and the many Scriptures and links. May God continue to bess you and your family.
Domestikate, Could I recommend books by Francin Rivers to you? I especially liked The Mark of the Lion Series. Excellent reading.
I am so enjoying hearing what others are reading! I've added a few to my wish list :)
I am currently reading The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn and What to Expect When Your Expecting. (Anybody want to suggest any other good reads for first time expectant mom???)
Sounds like a great book! Not sure how much reading I will get done this summer with a new baby and Sofia being an energized 2 year old! But I do plan to keep making time for God's Word, and possible re-read "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace.
God Bless
Crystal <><
P.S. at the moment I have been reading the Bradley Method Book...preparing for a natural birth...any day now!
oh yay, book recommends!
I am reading "The Mission of Motherhood" by sally clarkson for the second time. It's so excellent and inspiring to me to becoming a truly godly mommy and wife. I would highly recommend it. Also, 'the Most Important Place on Earth;what a Christian Home should Look Like" by Robert Wolgemuth-also so so good. We are striving to truly be a godly family, and these books both are packed with help. :)
and reading anything I get my little hands on..especially re. adoption, parenting, loving God.
Karen kingsbury novel for fun right now.
I love book talk! I'm working on a post about summer reading right now, too. I've been reading lots and lots of fiction--just seems like a summer kinda thing to do! I've really enjoyed Carson McCuller's The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and several of the "Miss Read" books by Dora Jessie Saint--short chapters with wonderful characters! I'm still working my way through Randy Alcorn's Heaven and reading a few pages of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to our son. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is set in the South, which is one of the reasons I chose to read it. I miss the "Deep South," and always enjoy the (often depressing) books by Southern authors. McCuller's book has a lot to say about God--in an indirect way. Each character's heart is "hunting" fulfillment, looking for it in different people and things...as I read, I fell in love with the characters and ached for each one of them as they sought for fulfillment--in everything but God. A great character study and yet another reminder that nothing but Christ will satisfy the human heart.
I've got several things on my book table. They are listed in no particular order:
Read through the Bible in 90 days (reading in French) -- a great way to see the Bible from a different perspective is reading it in another language. It is also fascinating reading such large bulks at a time - helps put many things into context and is giving me a bigger picture of God.
The Little Drummer Girl, John Le Carre
The Price of Murder, Bruce Alexander
The Little Woman, Gladys Aylward w/ Christine Hunter
Stout-Hearted Seven by Neta Lohnes Frazier
The Passion of Christ and Let the Nations Be Glad (both again), by John Piper - Piper always challenges me.
The Mark of Jesus by Timothy George and John Woodgridge - this is a required read for our organization for continuing ed credits... the fact that it is "required" is probably the only reason I'm procrastinating starting.
Through Gates of Splendor (again) by Elizabeth Elliot
The Hiding Place (again) by Corrie Ten Boom
Halimatou by Abdoua Kanta - learning more about the Fulani/Peule culture where we minister; I am learning some sobering and sad things about the deep spiritual bondage of this particular people group.
Progresser avec Christ by Paul Wells
A Kid's Goal Setting Guide (for Parents) by Lanson Ross -- I'm really curious about this one.
The Anxiety Cure by Archibald D. Hart --- highly recommended for anyone who suffers from panic/anxiety attacks or even just a high stress lifestyle.
Having a Mary Spirit by Joanna Weaver - loved Having a Mary Heart... and would highly recommend it.
Quiet Places: A Woman's Guide to Personal Retreat by Jane Rubietta - great ideas for a busy mom who home/after schools and is also in full time ministry, like myself.
I've always got my nose into several books as I'd rather read than most other things...
Thanks for the many ideas and recommendations above, too.
Right now I'm reading:
The Beautiful Fight by Gary Thomas (it is blowing my mind right now)
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp for the 3rd time (oh, and I was excited to learn about Instructing a Child's Heart by another commenter!)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (for fun!)
I'm reading Prayer by Myles Munroe. Okay, I already read it once through very quickly, but it was so good and I have so much to remember, so now I'm reading slowly with a highlighter handy. Just so I don't highlight the whole book....
I also picked up Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy through interlibrary loan. Good book, but a tad discouraging because I already DO most of it. We need her to write a SUPER Miserly Moms book. LOL!
Great topic! I love to read!
I just got through reading The Shack, by William P. Young. It was really a neat book. This writer had a lot of imagination. He let you see God in a different way, just as on Evan Almighty, for example, you saw God as Morgan Freeman. I liked it!
I'm just starting on The Divine Romance. It was recommended to me by my pastor and music minister. They went on and on about it. It is by Gene Edwards, and is actually a signed copy. I've been told that it holds you right up to the end of the book, where on the last page you are met with a very exciting ending. (I haven't peeked at the last page yet! ha!) It says that it's the most beautiful love story ever told. It's been around for years, but I haven't read it before.
So, that is what I've been reading, or getting ready to read.
Oohh, and I forgot that your dad and I are getting ready to start reading a newer Dave Ramsey book, called More Than Enough, (proven keys to strengthening your family and building financial peace). We were given this book recently, and have read his other books. We found that reading them together out loud we get so much more out of it. So this one ought to be really great!
"Destined to Reign" by Joseph Prince. Easily found on Amazon. I can't recommend this book enough! :)
Oooh, I love to hear what other people are reading!
I currently have my hands on...
The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Disciplines of a Godly Woman (I see I'm not the only one loving it!) by Barbara Hughes
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
and tomorrow I'm picking up my reserved book from the library: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan.
Thanks for asking, and everyone for sharing! :D
So glad I found your blog - I love reading and now have a new 'reading list'.
I just finished "Created to be his help meet" by Debi Pearl - this is a life changing book!! It has completely revolutionalized my entire mindset and life and marriage! Absolutely incredible. Definitely the most life-altering book I've read apart from the Bible!
I just found your blog, but I like you already! Your values, interests and focus are similiar to mine and it is refreshing to read of other moms like you! :) Naomi
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