Welcome to Making Home!

I'm Jessica, but my friends often call me Jess. Our family lived abroad for six years, but we've been "Making Home" back in our home state, Texas, since 2011. To be truthful, I'm still getting used to it, and in some ways, I don't want to get used to it. Though I'm nutso about Texas (like probably every other Texan you know), I like seeing Heaven as my true home.

My aim here at Making Home is to challenge Christian women to think biblically about their lives and homes. Intentional living doesn't come naturally, and we all know women who spend their lives saying "it goes so fast," looking backward at the times when they or their children were young, or looking ahead to the empty nest... but I want to live wholeheartedly, for Christ, RIGHT HERE IN THIS MOMENT. 

To me, living intentionally as a Christian woman means living wholeheartedly NOW, with eternity in view.

Here, you'll find around 600 articles about life as a Christian woman. Many readers enjoy keeping up with what's currently being written, but don't pass by the archives-- there, you'll find useful topics about parenting, sex in the Christian marriage, being a disciple of Jesus, marriage, homeschooling, and more.

  1. You may find the sidebar helpful-- On the side of my blog, you can check out categories to search for particular topics.  You'll find my most popular posts there as well.
  2. Check out "My Favorite Resources" for excellent books & lectures.
  3. I love to point people in the direction of great and worthwhile information, books, and articles.  I share thought-provoking links & ideas through my feed on Twitter, so please follow me there. I also use Pinterest for idea-sharing; you can follow me there as well.
  4. Please join in.  I love to hear your thoughts & comments!!

You can also e-mail me at this address: MakingHomeBlog {at} yahoo {dot} com

Feel free to stay awhile, and let's discuss together what it means to be an intentional Christian woman and live on purpose.

I want to share what I'm learning & encourage you in the place God has you. My desire is that what I write will be a resource and encouragement to you.