One Hundred Posts; Let's Have a Party!

Hello readers, new and old! This is my hundredth blog post and this also happens to be the week of a get-to-know-new-blogs event hosted by two twin bloggers. In honor of that, here's a brief run-down of what you'll find here at Making Home.

If you're new to these parts, please look around... I've written pieces on the hot topic of sex & the Christian, the often controversial issue of our roles as women, and the discarded-by-modern-society idea that children are a blessing. And I recently did a series called "The Jesus-Centered Home", to give you simple, practical ideas for making your home honoring to God. If you scroll down, on the righthand sidebar are a list of categories, and you can select those that are most interesting to you and read through. I'd be honored to have you sit down and stay a while!

My aim here is to challenge other women to rise above the mediocrity we're often presented with by the American Christian culture. Most of all, I want to be a woman whose life is pleasing to my Creator. Blessings to you!


  1. Congrats on your 100th post!!

    Welcome to the party also.


  2. Your blog is beautiful. I love the artwork. Welcome to the party and congrats on your 100th post!

  3. I found your site through the Party and am glad I did! I just read through your Jesus-Centered Home series and there is so much good stuff there for me to think about. I will definitely be back for more. Thanks!

  4. Hi Jess,

    What a wonderful blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well during the blog party. I would count this blog as one of the treasures I've found this week! I will be visiting again and again.



  5. Hi Jess! Great to meet you! Enjoy the party!

  6. Wow, Asia, tell me more. I love to meet women who are wholeheartedly seeking after the King.
    I would love to visit with you. Stop by some time.

  7. Jess,

    I love you and your blog! Congrats on 100!!! You look so young!! ;-)

    Can't wait to see what you write in your next 100!


  8. Hi Jess,
    Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the visitors, I think I especially love them, because I get a chance to "find the pearls".. There are SO MANY Partiers, I can't even begin to visit everyones but I am glad I visited yours. Your posts (so far) are interesting, your artwork beautiful, and your outlook biblical..What a wonderful combination!!! Thanks for allowing me to come visit you! :)

  9. hi there JEss!
    I am really loving your blog and so excited to find it!
    I will be back!
    Nice to "Meet" you.

  10. I am party hopping and wanted to say "hi", Jess!
    I will definitely be back to read more of your blog! Your "milk" post was great.

  11. Hi, I hopped over to visit your party. I like your place, I'll be back to visit again.

    Hope you enjoy the party!

  12. wow 100 posts rock on! i'll be checking out all your stuff i like you blog. i'm number 903
    party on

  13. Hi Jess-I am very impressed by your blog..your insights into God's desires and your commitment to applying them to your life is inspiring. I will most definitely be back!



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