Hop Over to My New Site!

Did you know that I'm now writing at JessConnell.com? MakingHome still contains 7 years of articles on marriage, Bible study, sex, family, womanhood, and more, but since 2014, I've been writing on my own self-hosted website. Please come visit me there!

Here's a great place to start: my Top 25 Articles on JessConnell.com.

Grace & Peace,

1 comment:

  1. While I love your new site, and the posts you've been writing, I hope this site doesn't go away! I've learned so much over the years here, and find myself coming back to search for things I "sort of" remember but want to re-read. Making Home is honestly one of my go-to resources!


This website is for Christian women-- for encouragement, spiritual growth, and interesting discussion.

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I look forward to hearing from you! ~Jess