Inspiring Lectures: Homeschooling

When I need a boost as a homeschooler, or motivation to continue thinking BIG in my vision of homeschooling our children, there are several people I love to listen to.

One is Sir Ken Robinson.  He is a great big-picture thinker about education!  Here are some of his talks that I've found valuable & inspiring:
Another is Andrew Pudewa who unfortunately has very few videos online.  I did find this one snippet about gender differences & teaching boys to write:
Finally, Sally Clarkson is just flat-out inspiring & encouraging.  She's a big-picture vision-caster who also offers grace & peace to overwhelmed moms:
Here are a few other random links you might find motivating, as a homeschool mom:
  • My Pinterest board for homeschooling... continually updating with great, useful ideas
  • "I Quit"- a Rhode Island 15-year veteran elementary school teacher reads his insightful resignation letter
  • Using YouTube for Homeschooling- Ideas for using YouTube to enhance your child's learning.  Several years ago, Ethan and I got on a kick and watched several hours worth of youtube videos about beekeeping and how honey is made.  It was fascinating and a nice break to our normal school routine!
  • The Argument Against Raising Well-Rounded Children- I'm not saying I agree with this lady on everything- at all- , but she's got some great ideas, and she's not afraid to share them.  Good food for thought, anyway, even if you come to other conclusions.
  • The Gigantic List of Free Kindle Books for Homeschooling - You guessed it.  :)  This is a gigantic list of free Kindle books you can use for homeschooling.  Classics... great literature... wonderful selection here, and all for free.
  • When Introverts Homeschool- I'm not even (technically) an introvert, although I feel more and more like one, the more time I spend with people constantly buzzing round... but this article was delightful & encouraging.  She offers great, specific & big picture ideas about how to recharge & regroup, as a homeschooling introvert.  
Blessings to all!


  1. Great stuff to look through/read. Almost eight years into our homeschool journey--after living on two continents--it's still good to refresh, refocus, and realign. I don't think I'll ever outgrow this need!

  2. Oops, I accidentally deleted this comment (small buttons on the iPhone screen) :).

    Brandy said:

    Oh, Jess!!!!! This is a Gem!

  3. Hey Jess! I know I haven't commented on your blog in a while (years?) but I *promise* I am still a reader. :-) Anyway, I haven't clicked through to all the links, but the last one regarding introverts that homeschool certainly caught my eye so I did read Christine's post at Fruit in Season. I am a HUGE the 't'. Often times I wonder (worry) about how it does and will affect our homeschool, particularly since my daughter (4YO) seems to possibly be more extroverted and is an only child. She certainly needs her quiet to time recharge after outings or play dates, but she is a bit more social that I am so its hard to tell at this age. Anyway, this is the second blogger that I've come across that has recommended Susan Cain's 'Quiet' (the other being Elizabeth Foss at In the Heart of My Home). Given my personality, I think I'm going to have to hint towards this book as a Valentine's Day from DH because it sounds right up my alley. ;-) Anyway, I love the suggestions that Christine gave in her post. I can certainly see how giving myself a regular break or quiet time in the day could save some end-of-the-day meltdowns (and I'm not even talking about my daughter's...LOL). Actually it probably wouldn't hurt to read 'Quiet' with my husband so that as an extrovert he can better understand me and my needs for sanity. :-D Blessings to you and your family as it gets closer to Theo's arrival!


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