Feeling Weak? Need "a little help"?

"With God, all things are possible"

"That is what the Christian needs.  He has an Almighty God that he worships.  And he must learn to understand that he does not need a *little* of God's power, but he needs (with reverence, be it said) the whole of God's omnipotence to keep him right, and to live like a Christian.  The whole of Christianity is a work of God's omnipotence. ...I want to call upon you now to come and worship an Almighty God.  Have you learned to do it? ...God trained Abraham to trust Him as the Omnipotent One.

...The cause of the weakness of your Christian life is that you want to work it out partly, and to let God help you.  And that can not be.  You must come to be utterly helpless, to let God work and God will work gloriously.  It is this that we need...  I could go through Scripture and prove to you how Moses when he led Israel out of Egypt, how Joshua when he brought them into the land of Canaan, how all God's servants in the Old Testament counted on the omnipotence of God doing impossibilities.  And this God lives today.  And this God is the God of every child of His.  

And yet, we are, some of us, wanting God to give us a little help while we do our best. "  

~~Andrew Murray, in Absolute Surrender

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  1. This was a great reminder as Im a new mom , new wife, and trying to be a christian at the same time. Im a type a personality and Im in a season of learning with my life to really Surrender . These are great words for me and my over achiever / type A perosnality.

  2. This is a great reminder. I think my problem, though, is that I've somehow become trained to believe (emotionally, not intellectually) that if I ask for something and God's answer is "No," then I was wrong to ask for it to begin with. I find myself sprinkling my prayers with "I know You have the power to do this, God, and You know I want You to do this, but please just do whatever You know is best." I think that's good sometimes, and it's good to remember that just because He can doesn't mean He will, but it feels to me like I water down my prayers so much--it's like I have faith in His power, and I have intellectual faith in His wisdom to know what's best and in His love to do it, but I'm either lacking that deep gut-level faith in His wisdom and love, or I'm second-guessing myself and my desires so much that I'm acting like I doubt Him. I have confidence that He can intervene, just not that He will. Does that make any sense? Any words of advice?


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