Soul Care: Daily Giveaway #4

Congrats to those who have already won this great book: Jessica B, Erin M., and Kate!!!

This week, I'm giving away a wonderful book by Steven W. Smith, called Embracing Soul Care: Making Space For What Matters Most.  I've been writing a series sharing ideas and encouragement from the book, and Mr. Smith wrote and offered  FIVE copies for me to give away through Making Home!  

Today is the 4th giveaway.  Every day this week you will have an opportunity to win this book.  Each day, I'm asking you to answer one question in the comments & leave your name & e-mail information (so that I can get in contact with you if you win)!

In Psalm 19:7, we are told that Scripture "revives the soul".  Many of the Psalms were used for worship by Jews & within the early church.  Throughout my life, as I've experienced various emotions, I have noticed that I can always find a "voice" to express my heart in the Psalms.  Smith points out, "The psalmists honesty helps us articulate the deep stirring of our own souls."

Do you have a favorite psalm?  If so, please share it... if not, please share something you have noticed in Psalms that communicates to you.... perhaps the expression of human needs, or the intimate communication with God, or the awe & wonder toward His creation.  
PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS, along with your name & e-mail address/way to contact you, and you'll be entered in the giveaway for today!  Thanks! 

*** Contest Details: Entries will be taken until 8pm CST, at which point I will use a random number generator to select the winner.  I will announce the winner both in the comments of this post & at the top of tomorrow's post.  ***

Don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT w/ your answer, name, and e-mail address!!!


  1. I don't have a favorite psalm, but the thing that strikes me most is that every time I go to the Psalms, no matter the situation, there's always something that speaks to it. Whether I'm joyful and praising God, or fearful and trying to trust Him, or sad and wondering why He let something happen (or not happen), it's there. There's a psalm that expresses what I'm feeling and needing and hoping. In those times when I can't come up with the words, I know I can find them in Psalms.


  2. This week I've been focusing on Psalm 34 as some of my friends are experiencing valleys and I wanted to be more equipped to share with them scripture if needed. "The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit...Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!"

    Caitlin L
    acpenner at hotmail dot com

  3. My favorite Psalms are the "family" Psalms: 127 and 128. My name is Jennifer homekeeper31 (at) gmail (dot) com.

  4. I love Psalm 18. The Lord's strength.

  5. My favorites are Psalm 112, and 127 and 128.

  6. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1


  7. I like Psalm 16 lately. Vs. 2 and 8 especially!

  8. I've recently read through Psalm 119. It was an encouragement to me to see all the wonderful benefits and blessings of spending time in God's Word. His Word truly is our "counselor" (Psalm 119:24)

    ~Beth Celestin

  9. I don't have a favorite Psalm, but this year we have been studying the books of 1 and 2 Samuel at Bible study, and our study has been directing us to the Psalms David wrote when they correspond to what was going on in his life. That I find incredibly enriching, and it deepens the meaning of the Psalms for me.

    I do have a favorite song from a Psalm--As the Deer.

  10. Psalm 113 was printed on the birth announcement of our miracle baby after 11 years of infertility.


  11. Psalm 46....especially v. 1: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

  12. so many "favorites"--but one that I do go to often to "pour out [my] heart before Him" is Psalm 62. V. 8: "God is a refuge for us."

    ejmerkle at gmail dot com

  13. And, with 12 entries (good odds!), today's random number is #5.

    ...Erica! Look to your e-mail inbox for more information!

    Thanks, everyone for your comments & entries. Be sure to pop back over tomorrow for the last opportunity to win a copy of this book!

    Blessings to all...

  14. I know you already have a winner, but I just wanted to answer the question anyway. :)

    My favorite Psalm is 100. It's my family's favorite verse - and very meaningful to us.


This website is for Christian women-- for encouragement, spiritual growth, and interesting discussion.

* Please sign your comment (it doesn't have to be your full name and SS#, just please leave a name... it's easier than responding to "the anonymous who left a comment at 11:12pm")
* Don't be rude

I look forward to hearing from you! ~Jess