7 Quick Takes Friday - #28

This week's (random) "seven takes" on any topic under the sun:

  1. I just need to say this, for the record.  I hate the end of the newer (2005) Pride & Prejudice, with Keira Knightly, where Mr. and Mrs. Darcy are out on their terrace talking about what endearments he's allowed to call her.  It's a cheesy, strange, modern add-on, and comes close to ruining the interesting cinematography of that particular interpretation of, and the general enjoyment of anything written by, Jane Austen.  I really can't stand it. 
  2. Republican debates:
    ••• Boy, Perry has continued to bumble and fumble his way through his answers to even simple questions.  And the polls are showing his foibles.  Unless something significant changes, he'll need to bow out of the race before Christmas.
    ••• Romney is looking better and better in comparison, and I'm no Romney fan.
    ••• Course, Cain has a strong showing in the polls right now, but I think he may do like Bachman and Perry and be a flash in the pan, as voters haven't yet fully thought through the implications of having not only an income tax, but adding 10% to every purchase someone makes.  That's a lousy idea, and will give future lawmakers yet another place to hit us with higher taxes when it suits them.
    ••• I could be wrong, but Newt Gingrich seems to be in this to get a significant role as elder statesman in the Republican party.   I think he wants to be able to influence the debates, but not actually BE the President.
    ••• What has been interesting to me is to hear the Republican candidates espousing ideas and embracing positions that until recently, only Ron Paul was bold enough to hold.  
  3. Fact is, Ron Paul has been trumpeting the problems of multiple wars, overtaxing, the growth of the federal government, and the need to understand and audit the Federal Reserve for decades. His political consistency and personal honesty have now won me over, and I grow more and more appreciative of the fact that I can count on him to give a real, thoughtful, non-pandering answer to the questions posed to him.  He does not shift his positions based on the group or person to whom he is speaking.  He's the kind of candidate that would have been elected 200, or 100, years ago, and he's the candidate we need today. 
  4. I've been crafting up a storm lately.  Up until about 3 years ago, I would have reacted with an immediate refusal if someone had described me as "crafty", but it's time for me to just go ahead and embrace it.  I didn't used to be, and I don't do all kinds of crafty things (for example, I'm not a scrapbooker, and I don't make jewelry), but I love to crochet, embroider, make banners for our home; basically, I love the "fabric arts". 
  5. Last week, I finished a crocheted baby blanket for my soon-to-be-born niece (I've never had a niece before!).  I used the same wave-like pattern I used for Moses' baby blanket (it's the first picture, with blues), added a minky-style bump border, and used a pale almond colored bamboo-silk (70/30) yarn.  The silk gives it a wonderful sheen, and turned out just right to match my niece's neutral-colored room.

  6. And since then, I've been embroidering a bunting-style banner for my daughter's room.  I'm making all the triangles while here, and then I'll stitch them to a long fabric strip to hang once we get back overseas, in her room.  Pinterest (Here's a link to my Pinterest boards.) has been GREAT fuel for ideas to use as springboards. (Maranatha, our 5 year old daughter, has been watching me, and decided she wanted to embroider one as well.  It will be special to have her first embroidered piece hanging in her room.)
  7. We've been traveling a lot over the last 3-4 weeks, and it's good to hunker down in and find that it's finally FALL.  The weather has been so pleasant-- long sleeve, open-window weather.  I love it!  Hope you're able to enjoy a great weekend!

You may want to take time to stop by Jennifer's blog and read more "Seven Quick Takes".


  1. Totally agree with you on the Pride & Prejudice criticism. It's definitely my least favorite part of a fantastic movie. Wasn't that the "American" ending? I don't think they even showed that ending other places.

    Love the updates about the presidential debates - I really enjoy reading them.

    Really enjoyed the previous two posts. I can totally relate to your WW experience. It felt like the last post was written for me - I really needed to read all of that. Please forgive me for putting so many different comments onto one :O)


  2. I would first like to say that I much prefer the BBC Pride and Prejudice to the 2005 version...that being said...I wouldn't mind another new version! I also loved Lost in Austen, it is on netflix instant view right now and is HILARIOUS!

    Second, I feel like Ron Paul has definitely gotten the shaft on media coverage. It is a real shame, because I think a lot of what he is saying is what America is thinking right now, or I could just be one of those crazy libertarians that are so far off no one wants to take seriously ;-)

    And finally, I LOVE that banner idea! It seems like such a great, easy kind of craft to do. I think I might have to give it a try. How are you going to attach it to a string/ribbon? glue? stitch it on?

  3. I like your analysis of the debates... this was the first one I was able to watch partially and enjoyed it. My respect for Ron Paul grew - I could sense the respect for him overall too. Its like everyone knows that we need someone like him, not someone like Mr. "I'm running for public office, I can't have illegals working for me!" Someone's mama didn't teach him the difference between "seeming" and "being."

    Love your craftiness! :) Would love to follow you on pinterest - I will try to find you!

    Blessings, Liz

  4. TOTALLY agree with the Pride & Prejudice issues. I have a hard time liking that version anyway. It's like P&P on meth. Too skinny. Too fast. And the whole "pearl" convo at the end makes me turn the DVD player off.

    Love that you are crafty with fabrics. I'm inspired.

  5. Sanders-- I think you're right about the American ending. I forgot that.

    Heather, Ron Paul has gotten the shaft, but I think more and more people are interviewing him and showing clear respect, whereas before he was just (to quote Jon Stewart), "Crazy Uncle Ron, babbling about the unsustainability of multiple wars."

    Liz, you are dead on-- other people are respecting Paul more... the media, and the party in general. I like what you said "It's like everyone knows that we need someone like him."

    Hilarious, sandra. "P&P on meth. Too skinny, too fast." :)

  6. I've been really surprised by how poorly Perry has done in the debates. I knew very little about him beyond that he was gov. of Texas, so I expected he'd at least be able to handle himself well in a debate. Not so much.

    I'm not a Romney fan AT ALL and the debates have only reinforced those opinions.

    I read a political blog regularly and their theory is that Bachman is primarily running to raise her profile to become Speaker of the House. I would love it if that happens. And your idea about Gingrich is close to what they think.

    I like Cain more than I expected, and really like that he's willing to talk about new ideas for solving problems. His 999 plan doesn't worry me (and I like his rebuttal to some of the criticism of it) because I don't believe Congress would ever pass it, so even if he was elected it still wouldn't become law.

    Love Ron Paul and love the fact that him being in the race is making the others discuss issues that I don't think they ever would otherwise.

    Apparently I had more debate thoughts than I originally realized!

  7. I was talking to my husband about some of my thoughts and mentioned your comments and I could tell he was wondering why I cared so much... It dawned on me - I read/skimmed The Diary of Anne Frank yesterday and there was some history of Russia etc. Wow - socialism is not something to be played around with, yet so many in our country don't see it like that. So that's they "why" behind my sudden political charisma :)

  8. Hey, thinking of you and praying for you!!!

  9. aww I happen to like P&P all the way! lol,it is my favorite movie hands down,and I haven't seen any other version,but I was telling my hubby that I was wondering why i love that movie so much and its because Mr. Darcy's character reminds me so much of my husband and Lizzie of me..and my husband watched it with me and he agreed!

  10. We have the Australian version of the film. It's identical in all ways minus the terrace scene at the end which is in the special features section only. Interestingly, US test audiences felt the movie needed a 'conclusion' - to actually see the 'happily ever after', thus it was added, whereas Brits felt it was better without. I am obviously closer to the Brit-end of the English speaking spectrum!

    I love your banner, and your daughter's contribution. Wonderful.

  11. I wanted to say that I'm glad you're back to blogging more regularly, Jess. You're like an older woman God has placed in my life, to challenge me and help me think and grow!

  12. - Jess D. (Australia)7:49 PM, November 14, 2011

    Just chanced on your blog. I totally LOVE the bunting/banner. Are you going to put a fabric back on each of the triangles? Would love to see the finished product.


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