"Get Yourself Dressed!": Growing More Mature as a Believer

This morning, I was getting Moses into his little shirt (he turned 1 recently) and I noticed that he was actively striving to help put his arms in... a new development! It's so fun, isn't it?, the way our children start out so helpless and over time, take on more and more responsibility for themselves. It'll be awhile, though, before I have to remind him, when he comes to the living room in his big-boy-underwear, "go get yourself dressed!"

And there are parallels of this for us, in the Christian life. Last week, I had the opportunity to head outside our four walls for a quiet hour... an opportunity to practice the discipline of solitude and prayer. After I did, I realized how infrequently I've set aside time to really be silent before the Lord, just listening, still, knowing that He is God.

If I'm going to grow spiritually, if I'm going to mature, I've got to start owning my own actions, and reach out for what I need. "Dressing myself", so to speak, like Moses is beginning to try to do.

I'm learning more about going deeper in my spiritual walk, and I know part of it is just me exercising the spiritual disciplines that have nurtured and sustained the faith of Christians for centuries.We evangelicals do a fair job carrying out the outward things... giving charitably, gathering as a community of Saints to worship together each Sunday, studying our Bibles, and such. We do not typically do so well at the inward disciplines-- prayer, solitude, fasting, meditating on memorized Scripture, and the like. I want to grow in this area, and I'm considering how to take those steps.

But I'm writing now as a way of setting up a stone of remembrance, like the children of Israel often did, that God has brought me thus far. Like the priests, I feel like I'm walking down to the river. Like God is drawing me into a new place in my relationship with Him. I really don't know how God will teach me to have God-confidence, and not revert back to that self-confidence I've come to rely on these many decades... but I trust that He will show me.

Maybe He's asking something similar of you? I don't know... but this has all come about in my heart since starting to write again, and so if you want to go deeper too, I'd love to hear from you and walk with you. No pressure, but if you're interested, please leave a comment & let's discuss these things more.


  1. Hi Jess!
    I just wanted to say thanks for sharing what the Lord is doing in your heart. Sometimes to just put it out there can be scary, especially placing those stones in public. :) I feel like the Lord is doing something in my heart but I'm not sure what. We just moved to a brand new state, brand new church, (my hubs is in ministry too), and sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with all the changes. With no one close to rely on or confide in and hubs of course very busy, my need for Him grows and grows. And it's good, and uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful as we grow, but good... (Have you read Hinds Feet on High Places? Much-afraid's character is a great description of myself at this moment.) Anyways, I want to encourage you to keep writing and sharing... we are reading. And as you do, you are encouraging us too!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this, Jess. You have encouraged me this Monday morning!

    --adrienne from rgt

  3. This is absolutely where I'm at right now! Ive been diligent over the last 18 months about reading my Bible daily, but in the last 8-10 months it's been just dutiful reading, without much prayer or meditation involved. I was trying to jump start things by reading through the Bible in 90 days (mostly over summer break) but I got sidetracked during mission trips and vacations, and found myself wandering through 1 Chronicles at a very slow pace. And I wasn't really getting anything out of the 90 day plan except a sense of accomplishment. So I've been reading through verses on different attributes of God - which has at least started me journaling again! - but it just doesn't feel like enough.

    So all that to say - I'd love the opportunity to grow alongside you in these areas of prayer, meditation, and fasting! I really want to work on memorizing scripture but I have no thoughts on where to start.

  4. I'm so interested! Walking into a deeper relationship yet being constantly (self) sidetracked, that so describes where I am. Thanks for your increased blogging, very much enjoying your writing.

  5. I'm all in. I've been stagnant in my faith and Christian walk for too long, and have finally started reading the Bible daily (well, almost daily) and am truly seeking God's will for my life (and that of my family). I just read "Same Kind of Different as Me" and am really inspired to hear God's voice for me and would love the chance to walk along side you in this time of spiritual growth.
    My blog is saraklaw.blogspot.com

  6. Tanya Lourensen9:28 AM, July 26, 2011

    God created us to journey together in community. God is faithful. He literally knocked me off my feet to answer a desperate cry of mine, to change my heart. It was while i was off my injured knee that i came across a blog called Good Morning Girls. http://www.goodmorninggirls.org/ They were just about to start a study of "Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson and encouraged us to form small groups on facebook (for quiet time accountability and discussion about the book It was just what I needed. I am now in week 11 of the 12 week study. The book is a fantastic read and the time I am spending with God each morning has been life changing and marriage changing...
    I also found a wonderful article by Beth Moore recently http://www.christian-mommies.com/special-features/bible-studies/the-highway-of-humility/. Sorry for the long reply but it would be a privilege to join you on your journey deeper into God. Blessings to you. Tanya


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I look forward to hearing from you! ~Jess