And the winner is...

Last week, I was privileged to host a giveaway for Mary Ostyn's book (published last year) called, "A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family". (Which I HIGHLY recommend. It's full of practical wisdom, helpful tips, and written with a humble but insightful perspective from a mom of ten.)

So, without further ado, the winner is:

Commenter #8, Linda, who blogs at "Linda's Lunacy". As a mother of six, I hope this book will bless you as it's blessed me. Linda, please send me an e-mail at, we'll exchange information, and I'll have the book shipped to you.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the giveaway, and be sure to
check out Mary's blog, as well as her two books, A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family and Family Feasts for $75 a Week.

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Jess! I just read your article on "At the Well." It's so wonderful to find your blog! What an amazing article - I've really hunkered down this past year and emptied my calendar. I LOVE being at home! Good to reconnect with you, girl!!


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