New Year 2008: What's Going to be "New" For You?

What do you plan to do differently in this upcoming year? What needs to change? These are questions I've been rolling around in my head. Here are some of my thoughts:

#1- I need to be more committed to studying the Word of God. Throughout last year, I took one book a month and studied/read it throughout the month, using study guides and other tools to get to know each book, and for the most part that was beneficial. I studied through James, 1 John, Proverbs, Romans, 1 Thessalonians, Acts, Colossians, Genesis, and Matthew (yes- 2 of the books got held over a 2 month period).

But I've slacked off lately- the busy-ness of life has, too often, crowded out that most precious time. So, in January, I'm going to finish reading through Matthew, really soaking in the parables and stories of Jesus. Throughout the year, I'd like to tackle Hebrews, Isaiah, Esther, Joshua, Job, and others. If I continue going at this rate, I'll have studied my way through the Bible (not just hurriedly reading, but carefully studying) in 7 years.

#2- I need to be more diligent to verbally build up and be a helper to my amazing husband. God has given me such a special gift by giving me this wonderful man to share my life with. I need to be more aware of verbally encouraging him, verbally praising him to others, and being a helper to him-- helping him accomplish the things that are important to him.

#3- I need to spend less time online and more time with the kids. Instead of playing ridiculous amounts of Scrabble, I need to sit down on the floor and spend time on their level, listening to things that are important to them. Instead of shooing them away because "I'm reading something important" (even though sometimes, it IS), I need to stop and spend more time reading to them.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not at ALL a parent who feels like I need to be beholden to my children. I believe God gave them siblings to play with- I don't have to be their primary playmate. And I believe that they need to know that mommy is a separate person-- not just a person who is at their beck and call. It is good for them to see their parents reading books, learning, talking about politics, and having thoughtful discussions about adult things. And it is good for them, at an early age, to come to the distinct awareness that the world does not in fact revolve around them. But as with all things, there needs to be balance. And I need to spend more time with these precious little people God has given me. I love them, I treasure their little funny sayings, and crazy sense of humors, and creative ways of playing and talking about things that are going on in their lives. I don't want to miss out on enjoying the blessing of these children at these particular ages.

What are some of your goals for 2008? Or things that you want to work on?


  1. I've got to put some thought to this as well. I haven't even thought about it yet! I saw on Mrs. June's blog that she and her husband make goals together. For some reason that never occurred to me! Hmmm..

  2. I totally agree about spending more time with the kids while finding balance for yourself. My first goal is to evaluate the things that require my time because they are either things that I enjoy or are productive to the goals my husband and I have set as a family.
    My other goals are to: cook more healthy meals for my family, excercise more efficiently (considering running at home for 30 minutes rather than going to the gym for an hour), and organizing my stuff (re-evaluating the things I think I should hang on to but maybe someone else could really use).
    I also love the idea of my husband and I coming up with goals together!

  3. Sorry this is off topic again (I've got to figure out how to email you I guess). Your response to the last Huckabee homeschooling article was so good, I am hoping you can do it again:

    Thanks much

  4. Like you, there seems to always be (for me at least) the challenge of more consistent Bible study.We are also discussing the wisdom of my keeping up the demands of some church commitments since I'll now have an infant as well as a toddler underfoot. We'll see.

  5. You really summed up my New Year goals as well...really.

  6. Oh by the way I have that same Bible. I just started today going through the reading plan!


  7. One of my goals is to RUN (not run/walk, but run) a 5k on March 1 - so two months from now! :) My other goal is to read the bible all the way through. I have a small start (two months) but I want to finish it this year. And I also want to build a better, deeper prayer life.

    And I want a million bucks. Ha ha! :)

    Happy New Year!

  8. My list of goals looks the same every January. I know I'm making plodding progress, but I was fed up this year and decided to take all those as "givens" and just focus on the first domino for now.

    I'm going to try and not-buy anything recreational or new this year (projects, lessons, books), because going through my books yesterday convinced me I have everything I need. No matter what I want to do this year.

    In just 24 hours I've been surprised at how much more home-centered this has made me.

    But then, it could be more the attitude/heart/prayers that accompany it. I've been praying for a key to keep my heart at home, and I think God just showed me.

    (Here's my resolution post.)

    I'm vaguely embarrassed it might make me look bad (I've never thought of myself as consumerist!) but I'm just so hopeful at the moment. Continuing to seek God to see if there's more to this.

  9. Here at the Albrecht house, we're working the goal of waking up at an earlier time.

    All Saints Presbyterian is a 45 minute drive and church starts at 8:30am.

    To have 7 people at church on time, and to give the children time to use the potty before church starts, to cut down on fidgeting and increase their attention spans, we have to leave the house by 7:15am.

    So, rather than only one day of early rising, my husband decided it would be best to get in the habit of centering our daily waking time around church - to be used to it for Sunday morning. The cool thing is that we're not as quick to say "No!" to the early morning church Bible studies.

    Definitely not up to par yet, but we're doing much better with both rising early during the week and arriving at church on time.


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