Proverbs in Pictures #4

If only I could get this one right. This one area is my biggest "sin" struggle... angry words and biting judgments fly out of my mouth so quickly and effortlessly. I don't have to work to be critical. It doesn't take
concerted effort for me to verbally harangue my husband or children for not doing something my way. All too often, I could easily cut someone to the bone with my judgmental words (while not everyone hears them, they resound in my ears).

For you, it may be a different verbal struggle. Perhaps you share gossip or air other people's "dirty laundry". Perhaps you are too quick to say "yes" and overcommit to things, filling your schedule with seemingly good things, but leaving you feeling haggard. Perhaps you struggle with using foul language.

If only we could be like my little girl and just shove our hands right up to our mouths whenever something awful is about to come out... But, whatever our verbal struggles, we have this to consider:
whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. And on that note, I'm going to shut up.


  1. Jess, It is amazing that this post came after the Query about friendships. In my friendship described in the comments from Query 11, I have found someone willing to stop me from having things come out of my mouth that shouldn't. She is a blessing to convict me when I begin to speak of something and it borders on gossip...or I share something that someone else has confided in me that I shoud not be sharing. I also have learned from her to this something I can share with my husband, or to tell people that I share everything with him, and if I shouldn't tell him, they shouldn't tell me.

    Great post, again!


  2. Love this. It's a HUGE struggle for me as well.


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