Proverbs in Pictures #1

As I've read through Proverbs this month, it hasn't "hit" me like James and First John did. But it is slowly encouraging me, and I am gleaning wisdom each time I sit to listen to these old truths.

I also have taken some recent pictures I'd like to share with you, so over the next few days, I'm going to combine these things: recent pictures I've taken, with recent things I've learned. Though these posts will be simple and quick to read, I invite you to take a moment to meditate on these timeless truths in a new and fresh way.

This is my oldest son, who was out with me when I went on a "photo hunt" through our yard. While I was looking for flowers to take pictures of, he said "mom, here"- and I wheeled around, with my camera ready. His generosity always makes me smile, and certainly is a living example of this timeless truth.


  1. What a sweet boy! I just love those little gifts!

  2. He is always ready to share what he has. He will look around and FIND something, and offer it generously! He is so precious!

  3. Hi Jess!
    What a great blog!! Your brain works with 3 kids...mine checked out with the 2nd...
    Seriously, though, I have enjoyed reading through your posts!

  4. I love this idea, Jess! (Proverbs in Pictures)

    I may "borrow" this idea and make a scrapbook for my daughter's grandparents using her photos.


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