Show & Tell: Making Men, Feeding Babies, and Spanking Children?

Making a Man
Here's an interesting article about how data now shows that being in a family atmosphere, and particularly being around babies, encourages young men to get their act together and prepare for a family of their own.

wise word to single women who are holding out for Mr. Right, Prince Charming, or William Darcy about having a realistic point of view when dating or browsing... men need room for growth too!

Dr. Al Mohler identifies key areas of maturity for young men. (Great for "looking ahead" with a teen son, and for developing goals for young sons!)

Check out this biblical and honest perspective on the trap of pornography, by Dr. Mohler.

Randy Alcorn (my favorite author) offers this great resource for men (young and old) in the pursuit of sexual purity...

And John Piper (my other favorite) offers this excellent strategy for dealing with lust...

(The last two would both be great for a dad to review with a teen son, as well as for moms of sons to prepare for the road ahead. Heck, moms of daughters need to read it too- just to learn more about the male mind, lust, and how to help your daughter to dress accordingly.)

"Breast is Best"- but not in public, please!
Breastfeeding complaints in Las Vegas- where frontal nudity is acceptable for any reason except for a hungry baby.

A guy's guide to breast-feeding etiquette- how to act around a nursing mom (a more light hearted look at the issue of nursing in public)

Public comments about public nursing- some for, some against, and some plead the 5th

You'd better not do that or you'll get a ___________ ! (jail sentence?)
A California State Representative is proposing a ban on spanking. (Registration is free but required to read article.)

An "opinion" piece about spanking- fueled by the debate in California.

1 comment:

  1. A bunch of very interesting articles there. I'm definitely going to have to come back to read more.


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