I want to provide you with some insight into what I'm reading, where my comments may come from, and what I'm filling my reading time with. If you ever have questions about anything I'm reading or have suggestions about things I might like to read, feel free to ask or comment. I'd love to dialogue with you about books. Without the sing-songiness of Julie Andrews, I must say that books rank very near the top of my list of "My Favorite Things."
(listed in no particular order:)
The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth BakerThis is an incredible book written in 1975 about being a Christian homemaker, a wife, a mom, and at its heart about being a Christian woman. I'm always having ideas of books to write. Sometimes you find a book that is almost identical to what you would have written. For me, so far, (and I'm in chapter five-ish) this book is one of those.
Decent Exposure: How to Teach Your Children About Sex by Connie MarshnerJust started this one, but I'm always on the lookout for Christian perspectives on this issue, because every child in this current American culture will have to be informed by parents or be informed by culture. I'm opting for my input going into their little minds first!
Becoming a Woman of Grace by Cynthia HealdThough my middle name is Grace, I'm not really a very gracious person. But I sure want to be. I'm learning a lot, but the jury's still out on whether or not I'd recommend this study to others. She's done some rabbit-chasing, and I'm not sure I've gained much practical application of grace in my life so far. But we'll see.
A Family of Value by John RosemondThis guy is a popular radio host and internet guru on this issue of parenting. While he claims to come from a Christian perspective, I've come to find him to be culturally Christian, but not necessarily biblically Christian. An important distinction. Nevertheless, he does present a common-sense parenting approach that I can still learn from. Even if I don't agree with everything he says.
A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God through a Daily Devotional Life by Nancy Leigh DeMossI always felt challenged by Nancy Leigh DeMoss when I heard her on the radio, but this book has taken that "challenged" feeling to another level. This woman, by all I can tell, is a very Godly, spiritually deep woman who has been empowered by God to challenge others to go deep with God. I'm having to take this book slowly, in small portions, because it's so rich.
Teach Them Diligently: How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training by Lou PrioloPriolo provides parents with examples of situations and verses that are helpful in day-to-day interactions with children. In discipine, in teaching, and in everyday life, this method of incorporating Scripture into the home is much needed among Christian families today. Even if I can just implement a few of the ideas he presents, this book will have been of great value.
The Heart of Home Schooling: Teaching & Living What Really Matters by Christopher ClickaAn examination of the lifestyle and heartbeat of homeschooling... not a how-to for the actual schooling part, but a how-to for family life. Really helpful stuff from the former head of the Homeschooler's Legal Defense Association.
Developing Spiritually Sensitive Children by Olive J. AlexanderJust started this one. Again, a topic I want to learn more about any time I can.
The Educated Child: A Parent's Guide from Preschool through Eighth Grade by William J. BennettA book that was semi-recently published that filled a gap that homeschoolers had: how to sort through all the various curriculums presented by each state/public school/private school, etc., to determine what your child actually needs to learn and know from grade to grade. A very helpful age-by-age, grade-by-grade look at the details of what students should be learning at each level.
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman NeeA challenging book by a Chinese Christian of the 20th century who defines the "normal Christian life" in a way that is both theologically deep and personally challenging. I've had to take this one in small doses as well, because it is written in a way that most Christians are not used to thinking anymore... deep, rich, and thought-provoking, I'm learning a lot. I can't wait to meet this man in Heaven one day.
The Three R's pamphlets by Dr. Ruth BeechickThese small books are a simple approach to schooling children in how to read, write, and do math at the early ages (up to 3rd grade). They've been hailed by more homeschooling reference books than I can count, so I bought them, and they are indeed great. Very simple, very straightforward, and very do-able.
Soon to start:
The Heart of Anger book & workbook by Lou Priolo
An analysis for the origin of anger, how to nip it in the bud, and deal with the heart of a child in a very practical manner. I've heard it's also helpful for helping adults identify the origins of their own anger and dealing with it biblically. I plan on reading it through with both my children and myself in mind.For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaughly
I think this is a "why you should strongly consider homeschooling" book. I've read so many recommendations of this book that I want to read it and find out what all the buzz is about.
In regards to John Rosemond, he recently (2008) published "Parenting by the Book" in which he acknowledges that for many years he was a cultural Christian only. He has since reformed, and this book bears strong evidence to that fact.